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The Breach


For a time, mankind was alone on this world, free to govern, and follow in Path of The Eternal Gods who gave them life and freedom. The people grew numerous, and fruitful, but in their joyous expansion, there was a darkness stirring.


Hel, in its seven dominions began to grow restless, jealous, and hungry. The Accursed Daemons began to feel faint whispers of mortals in the realm ethereal and their cravings grew past the dead that had fed them for eternities before. Life, the mortal soul, was now their prize.


Even the great scholars and histories cannot tell, but the worlds would forever stand marked on that terrible day. Whether by mortal assistance or unfathomable horrors, the bridge of life and death was shifted, enough so that some few of The Accursed creatures found their way into our world.


Came The Breach, and soon after, the darkness. Now opened by man’s greed, rage, and frailty, the world’s both sublunary and ethereal now conjoined under the powers of the Accursed creatures of Hel. The Daemons, whether small, and mighty would now learn to bend the lines of the divide, conniving their way through the subservience of eager and pathless mortals into the land of the living.


Arsturia, and the free peoples of this new world had not a chance. For all are but men, akin to weakness eternally. The Pathless and even those of strong faith felt now its pull more than ever. The Daemon’s called to them, promising gifts and boons of unfathomable power. Their resistance did not carry long, and upon the innocent, dark deeds were done, until they but called forth the first. The Accursed powers now came unto nature never intended for life beside their doing. Brother turned against brother. Sister to sister, and the black blood of the Daemons now stained both rock and flesh. The people were weak, and hopeless.


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The Angel's Call

But naught was man to stay alone in his struggle. Soon then would be The Kindling, and from it, The First Accendium.


First to slay a Daemon was first of the Holy Servants. The warrior Arven Kaldor, along with his four brothers felled The Gorger, and soon after in their sight, came Light.


The Holy Angel of The Adonheim, The Anointer, came down to grace them over the fallen carcass of the Accursed fiend, and made Call. With his righteous voice, commanded they meet him upon the middlemost peak of Brugad.

The First Accendium

Here then they arrived, and Angel descended down from the heavens once again. This time, he carried in his hands The Sword of Purest Flame and from both voice and fire, came the guide of The Righteous Path, The Living and Holy Covenant.


As The Anointer spoke the words, the fire plumed across the air and marked the pages of Arven Kaldor’s journal, and that simple and empty parchment would become the most influential of all Arsturian texts.


Through the day the five listened and wept at the holiest of all words, and were blessed beyond all men before to be the first to receive The Flame.

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The Flame

The Orange Blaze came down from the Angel’s sword and descended down upon the brothers. The Path opened, and the men of the world, and all those with righteous hearts to follow were now given its Power as a boon from The Adonheim himself.


Now with the tool to fight back against the sweltering power of the Daemon, The Anointer knighted the five brothers, naming them The Vigilant, and paving The Path to The Adonheim.

The Anointer rose from the stone and ascended to the air above them. He raised his sword and from his eyes came The Flame. It bounced across his blade and descended onto the five disciples like five great tongues of fire. It ran up and down their bodies, until their eyes and minds were ablaze as was that of the angel before them.

-- Codex of The Witness

When the holy sermon came to its end, and the last fiery sacraments found their endless place on the pages, The Anointer sheathed his mighty sword.


The tongues of fire dissolved, but the hearts, minds, and souls of the new vigilant would remain ever ablaze. He bowed his shining head and bid farewell to the five knights.


Ever vigilant you shall stand, brother knights and disciples of The Most High.”


Then, with the flap of brazen white wings, the angel rose into the sky, leaving behind the mortal men to return to the will and call of a master beyond the tendrils of the physical world.

-- Codex of The Witness

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The Brotherhood

Upon that very spot, the knights made their foundation, stronger than any in all the worlds.


The Knights built their temple fortress of The Paragon on the face of the mountain, and to this very day, The Living and Holy Covenant remains, under the watchful guise of praise of the servants to which its words breath life.


From here, the brotherhood grew, and from the five original Magisters came a order of rigtheous warriors committed to the protection of the innocent, and the vanquishers of the Accursed who forever plague the world they wish to corrupt and devour.

The Eternal Battle

To this day, The Knights of Covenant stand ready to face the evils of the world and defend that which is good through discipline, strength, mindfulness, purity, and the authority given to them by The Most High.


They are The Path of the Righteous Protectors, Ever-Vigilant in their duty to save the goodness of humanity.


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